Cosmetics formulation
It is in our laboratories, located in France, that all formulations are made. We make conventional and organic formulas in order to produce tailor-made and certified cosmetics.
The entire formulation process is meticulously handled by each of our departments, which guarantees efficient marketing.
As a specialist in biological formulations, we ensure the choice of raw materials and a specific formulation study preserving all the selected biological active ingredients.
We take care of your needs through a detailed specification. The cosmetic product is subject to very strict regulations in which mastery of European regulations is essential.
Our company responds to all European compliance and provides you with follow-up at each stage.
Ambassador of your cosmetic brand, our laboratory puts all its know-how at your disposal.
Cosmétic Provence Industry
156 La venue de Mazan
84330 Saint pierre de vassols
© Ugocom Paris – Avignon
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